Upcoming Jamf (macOS/iOS) renewal and what you need to do

As part of OIT’s annual Jamf license renewal, we are asking for your collaboration in reviewing the list of records scheduled for deletion and identifying any device records which should remain active in Jamf by May 1, 2024. 

What is happening 

Jamf device records of macOS, iOS, and tvOS devices that have not updated inventory in Jamf since January 1, 2023 will be deleted on May 1, 2024.

What you need to do 

Using the step-by-step guide in KB0013780, clone the renewal report to produce records scheduled for deletion specific to your department. Devices that need to maintain enrollment in Jamf should be checked in by selecting Update Device Inventory, all others will be deleted.  

What happens to purged devices 

Devices that are deleted may lose access to the University’s Secure network segment, thereby limiting access to protected applications and services. Devices that may have been inadvertently deleted may be re-enrolled in Jamf.